
My training is aimed at helping carers, parents, teachers and children deal with issues relating to wellbeing and attainment, with particular emphasis on adopted children and their care.

Through my training programmes, I am able to help with examining some of the possible causes of behavioural problems and school-related difficulties that face adopted children. We can also look at how behavioural difficulties impact on relationships, teaching and learning in the classroom and develop effective strategies for supporting the child in school.

The traumas experienced by children and young people who are adopted bring with them specific challenges which can be addressed through my training programmes.

I have trained in many environments including schools, training teachers, parents and carers to appreciate and act upon the specific challenges raised by behaviour issues in adopted children and supporting vulnerable students.

As mental health needs amongst children and young people continue to grow in occurrence and complexity, schools and colleges may already have experienced first-hand the impact of unmet needs on student and pupil safety.

With my external support, I will aim to help you feel equipped with the skills and knowledge to be a successful ‘first-responder’ to mental health challenges and the know how to provide appropriate support for students in need.